Journeys cut short

Historically, humans have hunted wildlife for a range of reasons – particularly food and sport – and in the past, such activities were conducted at a scale that was sustainable and legal. In many cases, however, this is no longer true. The methods used and the numbers taken have changed beyond measure, and new and more lucrative drivers of hunting have emerged.

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Silent forests

A growing number of bird species are being driven to extinction in Southeast Asia, fuelled by an escalation in the wild bird trade. Some species have long been known to be victims of this practice – but more and more species, such as Helmeted Hornbill, are being added to this list.

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Jewels of the Caribbean

Caribbean reptiles are among the most threatened reptiles in the world. The Caribbean islands are one of the world’s greatest biodiversity hotspots, supporting more than 6% of all reptile species. But sadly, this hotspot also has the highest extinction rates, accounting for over 65% of reptile extinctions since 1500. Illegal trade now threatens several of the survivors.

Learn more “Jewels of the Caribbean”

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